About Us
Welcome to Beet Life! Thanks for stopping by! Beet Life is about living a plant-based, active, healthy and mindful lifestyle. We believe eating whole foods is an opportunity to nourish our bodies and connect with others. Our blog features easy-to-follow vegan recipes we make and eat ourselves. We share these recipes in hopes that you can enjoy them and maybe even modify our ingredients and methods to suit your own needs. We also feature articles that our team members have individual interests in. We hope to see you here often and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and GitHub. Share your creations and passions using #ourbeetlife or email us at ..<click me>..@beet.life. Stay tuned for new recipes and updates!
How we got started.
The idea of starting a blog arose during one of our morning runs at the end of 2015. We had gotten engaged after seven years (and a cat child) together and were going through a transitional phase in our careers. We spent a lot of time reading and thinking about health, nutrition, and food so we decided to create a blog together where we could share our passion for vegan food, photography, recipe development and programming.
Our blog features vegan/plant-based recipes.
The transition from being an omnivore to herbivore was not an easy one. We were used to cooking meat-heavy dishes with vegetable sides so cooking dishes where vegetables were the stars of the meal was difficult. After months of research and repeated experiments in the kitchen, we found ways to make well-balanced and guilt-free meals. This process, although painful at times, helped us get to know what type of foods worked best for our bodies and helped us become healthier.
Our blog features other articles not related to food.
The members of the Beet Life have varied interests that we also want to explore in this blog. That can include product reviews, behavioral economics, philosophy, technology and pets.
About the Team

Icelle loves food. When she was a toddler, she loved going to her mom’s cooking classes where she watched instructors demonstrate different cooking techniques. She’s been creating her own recipes for fun ever since! Icelle loves vegan food because it makes her feel strong, healthy and focused. No more stomach issues! She has befriended a number of farm animals and couldn’t see herself continuing to cause suffering to such intelligent beings. When she’s not cooking in the kitchen or coming up with new recipes, Icelle is an attorney, photographer and coder. She loves philosophy, yoga, weight lifting, spin class, hiking, pound fit, animals and behavioral economics.

Chris is an engineer. He studied human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence. He values efficiency and logical consistency. He doesn’t think eating animals or animal-based products makes sense because it causes suffering to other sentient beings, degradation of the environment, and health problems. Why eat animals when vegan food is so delicious?! When he’s not food tasting, Chris is looking at stock charts, working on various coding projects, weight lifting, running or playing strategy games. Chris is also the co-founder of Sports of Boston and Frostly.
Koa is a black-spotted silver bengal cat. She was the runt of her litter, but once adopted, quickly rose to the position of top cat. Koa is an obligate carnivore, bird rescuer, mouse catcher, parkour enthusiast, sprinter and yoga master. She has traveled to Maine, Vermont, New York, New Jersey and Texas. She appears in Fearlight Game’s Baker Street: Roleplaying in the World of Sherlock Holmes as a Baker Street Irregular. Koa is heavily involved in recipe development and programming for the blog. She even has her own director’s chair in the kitchen! Koa is not afraid to speak her mind and often challenges other people’s opinions on when she can have her dinner.